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Червоноградська спеціалізована школа І-ІІІ ступенів №8
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FLEX Article 2011 School 8 Sasha Baran

Almost everyone in our school is aware of Future Leaders Exchange Program that is funded by the United States Government to promote respect for cultural diversity and mutual understanding. In 2010 I took off from the Borispil airport and returned to Ukraine in 2011, being a completely different person, as my parents and friends have stated. Hopefully, all of the changes are positive! Of course, my foreign exchange experience was very exciting and unforgettable, partly because I tried to take the most of it.

Many people ask if it is hard to adjust to American lifestyle, habits of the host family or a different system of education. I do know that it is hard at the beginning, since I was going through all of the obstacles, like opening my locker, finding the right classroom(I got lost on my first day of school) or even opening a carton of milk at lunch (I know it seems funny, but the milk is weird, let me tell you) but I can’t recall any of my foreign exchange friends, who haven’t ‘survived’ one year in the U.S. Moreover, everyone spent an ‘awesome’ (Americans always use this word) time in the USA, so, luckily, did I.

It is hard to recall the best day of my life there or the most interesting part of my experience, since, every single day in the U.S. was different somehow and it was special for me for a bunch of reasons. For instance, hockey tournaments in Minnesota, North Dakota, Wisconsin and Iowa were famous for noisy parents who were cheering up for their kids, Business Professionals of America State and National Conferences in Cedar Rapids, IA and Washington, D.C. left an unbelievable memory of getting 1st place for the Global Marketing Project (even though it was hard, we did it) and touring Washington D.C. I was extremely happy and delighted to meet my first American friend and Peace Corps volunteer Mary Teeter and spend a day with her visiting museums and talking about her arrival to the U.S. and my experience here.  Meeting a lot of people and making good and useful connections during the conferences in Chicago, IL and Orlando, FL helped me to develop my skills and participate in various activities. And of course, I can’t forget hilarious high school teachers, interesting and sometimes even challenging courses and my friends who were always with me and made an enormous impact on my exchange year. Canoeing in summer, going to the movie theatres, cycling, pool parties, graduation parties, hanging out after school or having lunch in Cold Stone or Subway are just some of the things that we did together.

On the one hand, I miss everything about America: my high school spirit and traditions, my wonderful host family and amazing friends, DELICIOUS American & Mexican food, American holidays, but, on the other hand, I am very grateful for the opportunity to have such a great American experience. My American dream came true and I hope it will continue soon …

Категорія: Інтерв'ю з учнями. Сьогоднішніми та колишніми | Додав: lubap1 (28.02.2012)
Переглядів: 1899 | Коментарі: 1 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всього коментарів: 1
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